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Writer's pictureSteve Clark

The State of Things - Past, Present, & Future

I started writing seriously in 2020. By mid 2021, I had written enough stories to release my first collection; The Collapse of Ordinary. Going through the process of writing and publishing a book was exhilarating, and I wanted more. I spent the remaining months of 2021 and the early part of 2022 focused on the follow-up project and my first novella; The Doors of Chamberlain. Eight months later, my second novella, Down Home, released. I had released three books in less than a year and a half. Writing had become a passion project, and I was on a roll.

Then life happened.

It would end up being a full year before I would release my fourth book; a second short story collection entitled Twisting Parallels. It's now been six months since Parallels, and still no announcements for the next book. I can explain...

The last year and a half have seen major changes in my life. I changed jobs after eighteen years with the same company. All for the better, but it has taken way longer than I ever imagined, adjusting to the new balance of work and life, and finding out where writing fits in the new routine. There's been sickness and loss. High highs and low lows.

There's been life. What I realize now is there will always be life. The world will not take a break while I work on the next book. The show always goes on, and that's okay. That's how it should be. I look back on the last year and see it as a time of transition. And now it's time to grow.

Last month, I was lucky enough to attend my first Scares That Care convention as a vendor at Author Con 3 in Williamsburg, Virginia. I shared a table with my good friend, Matt Wildasin. Matt helped me get started with writing, did the cover art for all four of my books, and has always been a supporter of my work. It was awesome to finally meet in person and share the experience that is Author Con. Here are a few pics from the event.

It was a great experience. I learned a lot, broadened my network, and came home inspired and ready to get back to work. Since I've been home, I've been writing as consistently as I ever have, and I'm so excited to get this next book out into the world.

That is where we stand today. I'm fired up about writing and determined to get back on track. That year without a release was too long. So, back at the beginning of this, when I said it's been six months since Twisting Parallels and there have been no announcements about the new project?

It's coming...

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